Live it Right

Life is about making Something out of Nothing at all. If you're able to do that, you're able to do Everything.

Painted Life

Life is like a flower, painted to perfection, yet at the end it wilts, fragile as it is, only the stem left unbroken.

Fallen Leaves

Like the autumn leaves, we fall at times, only to find ourselves blown away by the wind, and thus we reach yet another place.

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+No Such Thing As NORMAL...

+Thesaurus: Usual, Standard, Regular, Ordinary, Typical, Common, Average...

...Now if u may, define "NORMAL"...wot is normal 2 u exactly? Sumthg USUAL? Like the rice we eat everyday? Or the pasta Italians prefer, or the ramen Japanese favor? Or the kimchi Koreans fancy eating? that normal? Which is it? All of it? Or none of it? U can't say either one, bcoz normal doesn't exist universally, only to the choice of the ppl of a nation that they consider that being normal...

...And then comes the STANDARD choices, by means of standard? It's wot u c in a clothing department, with standard sizes...then they hev another extra department that states extra large sizes, is that not normal? Is that not standard? How can we classify which is standard, n which is normal? It's not right 4 us 2 say that certain ppl or certain thgs isn't normal according to your terms...

...Movin on to REGULAR, when we hev lunch or dinner at a certain place, they'll hev regular set of food, n we can juz go with it, their regular is juz wot most ppl around there would prefer 2 eat, n not those from outstation, or those from overseas, let's say loloq, n sate celup, the Malaccans will surely prefer sate celup, but still, loloq seems to remain it's popularity in other states, juz not in Malacca...this is due 2 the fact that we are used 2 eating the food here n not elsewhere, doesn't mean that it's regular here that it will be the same everywhere...

...ORDINARY girl next door, how does this girl looks like? Sum1 wif glasses? Carry her texts in her hand when she goes 2 skul? Doesn't talk much, doesn't complain either, pay attention in class, doesn't mind the heat, doesn't seems 2 bother much, is that wot an ordinary girl is? Is that normal 2 u?? Duh! If it is, I rather be WEIRD...

...The TYPICAL, juz like the typical M'sians, that choose 2 be a bystander rather than the helper when sth unfortunate happens, it juz seems 2 be typical, now if that's typical, tell me wot's right n wot's wrong?!

...COMMON ppl hev common thinking, when u do sth that others do not approve of, they condemn u bcoz of that, it rly din matter if wot u did isn't a sin, but in their opinion, it's worthy of punishment, they say great minds think alike, the opposite of it simply is fools think alike 2...

...N lastly, AVERAGE is the kind of girl that fits into the displayed shoes in the shoe department, no matter which shoe she picks, n that's average in that place, anythg smaller, or larger than that size is consider less or more than average...I guess that's juz how it is wif evrywher, saying normal each n evryday, n doesn't rly understand that there's no NORMAL in this world...I'm not the odd one out, I am juz who I am, mayb it's not normal in the opinion of others, but hell do I care? When I'm ONE & ONLY...

"I rather be the ODD one out, than 2 be the same as everyone else around, I juz dun like being NORMAL..."