Live it Right

Life is about making Something out of Nothing at all. If you're able to do that, you're able to do Everything.

Painted Life

Life is like a flower, painted to perfection, yet at the end it wilts, fragile as it is, only the stem left unbroken.

Fallen Leaves

Like the autumn leaves, we fall at times, only to find ourselves blown away by the wind, and thus we reach yet another place.

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+坚持到底[Make It Happen]...

+其实要我不想东想西, 一点也不难...
+只是, 我的脑袋在不想东西的当中, 心, 却觉得好空虚...
+偶尔会痛,很想停一阵子, 可是, 我知道, 我不应该这么做...
+不应该轻易的, 又沉迷在自己的世界里...
+我可以什么都不想, 但, 却失去了心灵似的...
+而我 不能继续思考, 那没完没了的结果...
+此时, 我知道, 该做的, 就是别想太多...
+希望这一次我真的能, 坚持到底...
+贤, 我们一起往前冲, 我不会再想了...
+我会尽我所能, 把注意力转移到该放的...
+梦想, 我想, 我总有一天会知道, 我的愿望...

"也许不是今天, 也许不是明天, 但晴天总有一天会到来..."

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  1. Anonymous says:
