Live it Right

Life is about making Something out of Nothing at all. If you're able to do that, you're able to do Everything.

Painted Life

Life is like a flower, painted to perfection, yet at the end it wilts, fragile as it is, only the stem left unbroken.

Fallen Leaves

Like the autumn leaves, we fall at times, only to find ourselves blown away by the wind, and thus we reach yet another place.

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+For My Friends...朋友...=)

隨風飛 隨分秒輕輕吹送
不嫌遠 不嫌累 也不管多驚險
當日出 變成了 下個日落
想起誰 眉頭會變得溫柔
一句話 或問侯 嘴角上的笑容

多感謝你 總是在我的左右
能不能讓我 好不好讓我
"哭累了 就笑吧 再一次 迎著風

Permanent by David Cook...

Is this the moment where I look you in the eye?
Forgive my broken promise that you’ll never see me cry...
And everything, it will surely change even if I tell you I won’t go away today...
Will you think that you’re all alone...
When no one’s there to hold your hand?
And all you know seems so far away and everything is temporary...
rest your head...
I’m permanent...

I know he’s living in hell every single day...
And so I ask oh God is there some way for me to take his place...
And when they say it’s all touch and go...
I wish I could make it go away...
But still you say...
Will you think that you’re all alone
when no one’s there to hold your hand?
When all you know seems so far away
and everything is temporary,
rest your head...
I’m permanent...
I’m permanent...
"Is the moment where I look you in the eye?Image Hosted by
Forgive my promise that you’ll never see me cry..."