+...n I miss
Melaka so much...=)
+Home sweet home...
+Finally bak home...yatta!!
+Even though it was 4 days, we're on the road for 24 hours...which rly sums up 2 only 3 days...
+Melaka is still way better than other states...hehe...
Johor and went straight into
+On the way to
Kuantan, we dropped by
Tasik Chini, which is said to be polluted in the newspaper recently...but hmm, it doesn't seem so when we got ther, the water is clear n clean, though on the way in there's a factory that gives out rather black smoke, but the lake is deeper into the forest...the lake area is so serene you could juz take a breath, close ur eyes, n feel the surrounding air...we got on a boat ride n got over to a rather small
"orang asli" village, there's a cute lil girl over ther which has such a special colour of hair, it's a mix of highlight brown n blonde, n it's
"kacukan" rarely can be born with such a hair, perhaps she's mix blood 2, but even so, it is still very special, I wonder if the school will ask her to dye it black, if so, it will be such a waste, the hair is so beautiful, n I trust she'll be really pretty when she grows up...
+By the time we arrived Kuantan, it was about 5 in the evening I thk, not rly sure, we juz went 2 a Mamak stall nearby n hev sum roti apa2 la...
+Dinner time, we went to a chinese seafood restaurant, ordered sum dishes, n I rarely eat half of it, I wonder if the people here eats a lot, their one scoop of rice is so much...duh...
+After that, we went bak 2 my dad's cousin's hse n stay overnight, woke up early in the morn n went 2 hev nasi lemak as breakfast, then off we go 2 another destination...
Day#2...+Masuk kita org ke
Kelantan ek, bfor that my mum was sayin y dun u wear sth else(eh well, I was wearing a normal mng top)...n then my sis was wearing shorts, haha, asked her 2 change into sth longer, I juz wear a jacket over, was like, wth, ther will be
"Mat Saleh" over ther dressing only half of their body, duh...my sis was like, is ther tourists in Kelantan?
+Duh, ofcoz ther is, juz after we chek in 2 our hotel, which is called
Dynasty Inn, hmm, nt bad if ur oni 1 or 2 ppl, but I won't be staying ther again the next time I goes ther, hehe, after that we went around searching 4 dinner, then we passed by a chinese thai seafood restaurant n try the tomyam seafood, gosh, it's so nice, I wan sumore...lol...n yea, ther's a table of
"Ang Moh" at ther, n who says ther ain't
Mat Salehs over ther? Hehe...=P
+Ok, day 2 is done, n bak to the Inn we goes...
Day#3...+Woke up n find breakfast 2 eat...dun remember wot I ate thou...=P
+Went around
Tumpat searchings 4
"wat"s, ther suppose to be many at ther, but we oni managed 2 find 2, sadly, but ther hardly is any signboard, even when ther is, we still couldn't find it, n we asked quite a few ppl, still, we keep turning in circle, god, that place is so misleading, duh...went 2 the
Wat Mai Suwan Khiri @ the Dragonboat temple, the temple is pretty, I like the dsigns, n it has a tall standing buddha, after goin off from the temple n still can't find our way 2 the sitting buddha temple, we turn around n went bak 2 the previous temple, n my mum asked the monk 4 direction, it's a thai monk, he speaks chinese thou, n he drives, haha, my lil sis was like, oh, the monk drives, i say, lol, ofcoz they do, how else r they gonna get their groceries...=P
+Finally managed 2 find the temple, even though we still took the wrong way even wif the monk's direction, hehe...told u the road is misleading, he said straight, well, it seems evrywher is straight over ther...unfortunately, the
Wat Machimaram @ the Sitting Buddha temple is all closed up, perhaps it's bcoz that's friday[off day at the state]...but my dad didn't like that temple, even though it's closed up, but we could see that evrythg is grill, I seriously mean evrythg? They put grills around the god statues, the dragon poll, n even the whole area of the temple are up with grills, wot's wif that? My dad was saying, who the hell put fencing around such thgs? I mean, evrywher we go, temples are alwiz open, n this one, is grilled around, n no touching whatsoever, n the dragonboat temple is still prettier, sadly, whoever dsign the temple, didn't thought of it thoroughly when they built it...is ther such a priceless gold that u had 2 locked it all up? I wonder...if
"THEY" are happy wif it..hmm..bless them innocent souls....[Oh, I chek, I guess sum parts of the temple are covered wif gold foils[courtesy who ppl who visits, so ther's still no reason 4 the fencing]...n if the thief is stupid enuf 2 steal from temple, let him be...
+Well then, we din manage 2 find the
Wat Pothivihan @ Sleeping Buddha temple even though it's suppose 2 be nearby according 2 the signboard, duh...we went 2 the tax free area straight up, the place is like, blood suckin, the price of items inside the tax free area is even more expensive than the ones outside, imagine that? I can buy cheaper chocs from the outside? Seriously, n ofcoz ther's no liquor ovr ther, u can juz go thru over 2 thailand ther thou, haha...pass the kastam 1st ofcoz...
+We had our share of rounding n went bak 2
Kota Bahru, stopped by Tesco and had some fish n chips at
London Fish Tales, not bad, hehe...it's a fast food restaurant wif oni fish...so so, we are the oni one eating when we got ther, haha...ppl ther prefers chicken I guess, kfc n chicken rice shop is juz packed...
+Then we head to
Perak[passed thru
Banjaran Titiwangsa, it's so chilly on the peak] n go straight 2
Kuala Kangsar @ Bandar Diraja[on the way it's dark n no street lights at all, like 4 100km probably? That's like 1 hour journey? Oh god, oni the road looks nice...hmm, round n round we could barely find a hotel that we thk can be stayed, lol...so off we go to
Taiping @ Bandar Warisan instead...n ther we head straight 2 Legend Inn recommended by my cousin since it's already 9pm, n we're all so tired, [so din managed 2 go visit the Night Safari, sadly]... after we chek in, my dad n mum went 2 da pao 4 us sth 2 eat, they round n found a food court, which they say oni started to pack at that hour, wow, can u find such a food court in Melaka which is open until midnite? I mean do the ppl ther eat n not slp?
+Then off we go 2 slp after dinner...
Day#4...[Today]+Woke up n had breakfast at a coffee shop, ordered pasembor[which is rly juz rojak], mee rebus, mee goreng mamak, chicken dip orange rice, curry rice, hehe...not bad...we juz passed around n share..haha...that's wot we alwiz do anyway...=P
+After breakfast, went 2 a shop n bought sum stuffs, then off we go 2
Ipoh, oh, the place is so Big...hehe...arrived ther at 2 sth, meet up wif my mum's fren n went 2 the real
Old Town about 3pm, n ther's still so many ppl eating, wow, even at 4pm, there's still ppl cumin in 2 eat, these ppl can rly eat, lol... n yay~finally, got 2 taste the real
"hor fun", they call it
"kuey tiaw soup" ther thou, hehe...nice one, the
"kuey tiaw goreng" oso not bad, n if ur wondering about the white coffee, fyi, I don't drk
"Coffee", not even
"White Coffee"...haha...
+Dropped by my mum's fren's hse n sit 4 awhile, had a drk, n then heads right bak 2 Melaka..how much I miss here...I doubt I'll ever leave here...home sweet home...=)
+N ok, I'm tired now. So until 2moro, or the day after 2moro...juz wanted 2 safe keep wot I remember, leave out quite a lot thou, hee...
+Sum pix from the net, hev yet 2 upload those from my cam...hehe..so these will do...
+Southeast Asia tallest Sitting Buddha which is 30-metre-high, 47-metre-wide statue
...note the fencing around...
+The Dragonboat temple, that's not the shrine hall ofcoz...beautiful isn't it?

"To go along the road ahead, not knowing where it leads to, sometimes you'll discover something you never expected to..."