+It's been a day, love my friends so much, now I know if there's one thing, make it 2, that I can't stand losing r my friends & family...
+Sure, I was frustrated, but, I'm not gonna cry, neither am I gonna beg, guys r still guys at the end of the day, perhaps they might thk I'm juz trying 2 make myself look good n make the other look bad, but, we're friends, we don't keep secrets afterall, n I thk they deserves 2 noe wot I've been going thru, instead of keeping it from them n making them worry more about me, coz I noe, how it feels when they dun tell me wot's keeping their mind occupied, I'll get rly tense up when I c them unhappy, so yea, I wudn't keep it from them, they're my friends afterall, my shoulder to cry on, n my pillar of support...
+Went out laz nite, wif a couple of friends, n another couple, lol, yea well, they're nice ppl, n yea, it's 2 bad they hev 2 meet the bad ppl that doesn't appreciate them, hehe, I trust everything happens for a reason. Let's put it this way, if someone couldn't appreciate your love, then they ain't worth ur love anyway. We deserves better, y do I say we? Because those around me seems to hev more difficulty letting go than I do, even after all the trials & hardship, I juz realize that love shud not be based on pain or tears, put it in an economical way, if the rate of return is not worth the risk u take, then y take the risk? It's that simple, it's not a good business deal when u can't even get bak wot u pay for, n even more, when u get bak lesser than u deserved, so, deal or no deal? U dcide for yourself. Love rly isn't evrythg, but love is evrythg when u realize how much love ur being surrounded wif...I noe I'm loved by those around me more than I deserve, now that's a rly good profit I'm making, well, I'm juz putting it as an example, I'm nt rly putting a price on my relationships or their care for me...coz I noe, I couldn't, it's priceless, so y pursue a worthless love, when u already hev a priceless one...^^
+This is for my friends that I care & love for, n for those that cares & loves me unconditionally..."A Shoulder To Cry On by Tommy Page"...unfortunately, I couldn't find the song thou, here's the lyrics, ask me 4 the song if u want it...=)
"Love doesn't come easy to everyone, it would be easy if everyone comes to love..."
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