从哪开始, 哪结束,
没有尽头, 没有靠岸,
忘不了当初, 判不到未来,
日子久了, 思想被沉淀,
但那份情感, 却依旧挥之不去...
记忆, 却没办法删除,
有些人, 你是一辈子都不会忘记的,
就算, 他是你一生中最想忘记的人...

+疗伤? 什么伤?
+我都没伤口, 没什么好要复原的...
+To Be Dead & To Rise From The Dead...
+我想忘记, 重新打造新的回忆...
+But, To Forget Someone Is Like To Remember Someone You've Never Met...
+唯一不会忘记的, 就是你曾经用真心对待过的人...
+有时候, 真的很害怕付出真心,
+因为不被珍惜的真心, 只会让自己感到廉价许多...
+有句话说说, "没有值不值得, 只有愿不愿意..."
+"只要愿意, 就是值得..."
+可是, 当初的愿意, 是否会换来今日的懊悔?
+很难, 再用真心去相信一个人...
+相信他们说的话, 但不相信他们的真心...
+昨天跟我朋友说: "爱情没有保证卡, 所谓的永远, 就是彼此在一起的每一刻...", 只要懂得珍惜, 未来不算什么...
+今天读了一整天的书, 偶尔还会想起他...
+我努力的不去想, 可是, 还是想起了, 那不该想起的陌生人...
"有些人, 你想牢记在心, 却发现, 日子久了, 他却无影无终的从你回忆里消失了...";
"而有些人, 你想忘了他的一切, 却发现, 几年后的你, 在失忆里依然想起他..."

+Study oso touch & go, I noe my heart is not wif me for the moment, act flying across the sky, transcending the ocean...
+I noe I nid 2 kip my mind straight, it's nt the time 4 me 2 lose it, nt right now, I nid 2 focus, n push 4ward, oni half year 2 go...
+I nid 2 endure the constant agony of being in skul, being in maths class or wotever, it's an ordeal I hev 2 go thru in order 2 c the light of the day...
+I know the laz thg I nid right now is 2 feel regret later on...
+So it's time I keep my priorities straight, right now, evrythg of anythg is the laz thg on my mind, getting 3.0 is my main concern, crossing my fingers...wish me luck...^^
+Lemah semangat, I admit, even my dad says so, so, +oil +oil!! Muz.. persevere...... until........... the............. very............... END... n now when is that? Lol, it nvr ends does it? Ala, until, erm, say, until another chapter of my life la...finish dis chapter 1st, later sambung the rest lor...worry so much oso no pt rite? Might as well take thgs as it is...
+N yea, wanted 2 say sth act, sth that happened 2day, I went 2 JJ wif my family juz now, n I saw sum1 that looks like him, which is not him ofcoz, but, it juz makes me feel "terasa", yea, that kind of feeling, n then I keep looking at that sum1 that looks like him, zzz, duno y la, juz that, can't kip my eyes off, n well, to tell u the truth, if it happens 2 be rly him, I guess the 1st thg I'll do is turn around, thou that contradicts wot I wrote in my poem, but normally, that's wot I'll do, until I 4gets about that sum1, 2 the state wher I can't recognize him, u noe?
+It takes me 2 years usually, 4 me 2 get 2 that stage, that is oso, if I dun happen 2 bump into him within 2 years, zzz, hopefully, not, n seriously, I'll nvr 4get that sum1, but, I wudn't remember exactly the way that sum1 looks like, sumtimes even 4getting his name, time doesn't erase the memory, but it erases the image, at least partially...
+It's funny, how u'll bump into sum1 countless times, n how you'll nvr bump into sum1 no matter wot, I alwiz bump into one of my best frens lor, no matter wher I goes 2, he's like wot? The yellow man? Haha, well, merely coincidence, but 2 much of a coincidence, yea, the guy that I fall for years ago, say, 5 years ago? Lol, old story, still best frenz anyway, n yea, I 4got about the way I felt about him, nt even d slightest hint 2 make me recall wot I felt bak then, that's y I say, u can 4get how u felt, but u won't 4get the memories...coz I remember that I like him, n d thgs I did, but nt the way I feel...
+Juz like watching a movie, u remember that movie, esp when u c it d 2nd time, but u can't feel the same way u did when u 1st watched it, it's different, it's sth u cannot feel again no matter wot...it's the same thg wif love, that's y I stick wif the philosophy that "Love holds no second chance..."...Surely, many will disagree wif me, but wot I meant is that you can't re-love sum1 when u hev dis-love that sum1, the feeling, it juz ain't the same, d 2nd time u try 2 luv the same person, u'll find that the feeling isn't as precious as the previous, "Love just doesn't come twice..."...so appreciate the once you had...
Quotes from "The Teaching of Buddha"
+Happiness follows sorrow, sorrow follows happiness, but when one no longer discrinates between happiness and sorrow, a good deed and a bad deed, one is able to realize freedom...
+The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live wisely and earnestly for the present...
+Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment...
+Enuf wif 2day, wanted 2 write a super short post act, but end up writing a super long post instead, typical me, lol, when I start writing I juz can't stop, zzz, n wot's the time now anyway? Almost one, crap, exceed my time limit ad lor...that's wot happens when I'm nt tired, n yea, probably shud off 2 bed now....ok then, oyasuminasai, will crap more later, same time 2moro, heh, if I manage 2 work out the connection, zzz, sux like hell...
"It is not what happened in the past that hurts, it is the memories that forbids you from moving on..."
P.S.: If only you're able to let go of the memories...
i wish u the luck in your studies, don't study hard but study smart,i know you'll do great.
as for time..it's not really an excuse, of more like the moment to heal..sometime it will take longer to forget certain memories, but eventually we will all forget bout our past and live our future..see what 2mrw has in store..alright?
+New memories will overwrite the old ones, that's wot I blv, but old memories that are 2 keep will alwiz be ther in ur heart...
jane这星期应该很pek chek吧,贤也不知道要怎么帮jane,只能不打扰jane,希望jane的考试一切顺利..jane makro考不好,贤也不知该怎么安慰,贤总是会啰里啰唆,这次贤还是保持沉默吧..至于想起一些不该想的回忆,而且在这关键的时刻,是jane自己要去克服的问题,就有如贤那是考试却为那些事所烦一样,自己慢慢控制,或者找些方法舒解压力, 让自己更能专心..可能jane一直认为贤都很厉害读书,但其实并不是那样,最终的还是“心”的问题吧!jane自己也知道,贤也不多说了..加油吧,只要jane需要贤,贤会努力的帮助jane,帮jane解决,如果jane愿意啦..