>>Wrote this d day bfor yesterday, directed esp 2 sum1, due 2 connection pro, oni able 2 post it 2day, so i'm changing my on9 time on the weekends to 11am..
+Dun rly noe wot is ther 2say, except that my fren juz ask me...
+At 1st I chuak, coz my other fren tgh emo rite now, I thought he was talking about her...
+Apparently not...hyez...
+I oso duno ler, like I said, no one can help you unless you want us to help...
+如果你不伸出你的手, 别人再怎么努力, 也只能无能为力...
+因为, 不管你想不想让自己好过一点...
+问题不是在于你想不想, 也不是在于你能不能, 而是在于你要不要...
+很多人在沮丧的时候, 都会说, 我办不到...
+是真的没办法, 还是不肯去想办法, 也不肯去接受那已经于是无补的事实??
+可惜? 爱情里, 没有可不可惜的, 能让你幸福的, 才是最实际的...
+不管是回忆, 还是本人, 重要的是, 你要懂得, 爱一个人, 不应该是痛苦的...
+如果你爱的人, 都没办法保护着你的眼泪不让它流下, 那么, 为何还要耿耿于怀呢?
+不是别人不明白, 而是你自己不明白...
+你到底追求的是什么? 是爱情, 还是他?
+如果是爱, 那么, 为何不把他放了, 去追求另一个真爱?
+可是, 也许, 你已经分不清了, 一直认为自己是爱他的...
+那真的是爱吗? 不是的, 对我来说, 那只不过是执着...
+不是我觉得心烦, 而是你让我感到很无奈...
+我不介意你伤心的时候找我, 更不介意借个肩膀给你依靠...
+可是, 你需要的, 不是我的陪伴, 而是他的拥抱吧?
+爱情是美丽的, 别让自己的占有欲万胜那最真实的情感...
+对不起, 我只能说, 他爱不起你...
+在我看来, 这已经不是愿不愿意, 也不是值不值得的问题了...
"The pain will go away, but the beautiful moments stay on forever..."---败犬女王
haha..i don't know what else to say oso,u basically had said everything i wanna say..erm..good to have a new post, it's been a while..hehe^^
Nice Shot ~!By the way,are you talking about Pinkish ?
If I got it right, plz take care of her, she always tell me that she dont hv friend, not even one...
I hope you are the one ^^
+Honestly, ther're many who r willing 2 be ther 4 her, I 4 one will nt leave my fren, even thou up 2 now she stil refuses 2 confine 2 me, well, ther's nth I can do, I rly duno y she feels that way, when she refuses 2 let us in, like i said, she keep herself in d cage, nt getting out, nt letting us in either...
+Sigh, if oni she thks the same, all I can hope is she snap out of her reverie asap, n cum 2 realize that the world is a better place wif 10 ppl loving u, instead of that oni 1, that instead being d one making u happy, makes u sad...
+This is d problem wif girls isn't it? Alwiz 2 focus on that one person, that they 4get about the rest, I seriously dun get this concept, we came 2 this world alone, many givs us d strength 2 move on, but instead they tend 2 lose strength bcoz of that sum1?? Seriously...
+贤,是你吗?应该也是啦,只有你会在留言写Jane罢了..哈哈..你留言的时候就不会写名吗? 真是的..二又贝是什么叻??
All we can do is just wait lo-.-"
I hope she is learning and grow up...
+Yea..I hope the same...