Live it Right

Life is about making Something out of Nothing at all. If you're able to do that, you're able to do Everything.

Painted Life

Life is like a flower, painted to perfection, yet at the end it wilts, fragile as it is, only the stem left unbroken.

Fallen Leaves

Like the autumn leaves, we fall at times, only to find ourselves blown away by the wind, and thus we reach yet another place.

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+好久不见[Glad To Meet Again]...=)

时间: 11.35am...

心情: 还好...

感觉: 不错...



+那时我没去, 因为太累了, 也不懂是幸好没去, 还是可惜没去...

+看到他们录下来的片段, 玩到很够力一下咯...

+幸好是因为他们完蛋糕, 可惜是因为我不在场...

+昨晚, 终于见到了好久不见的小学朋友...




+虽然多年没见, 感觉好像从未失去联络...

+反而, 中学的, 不知道为什么, 距离似乎越来越疏远了...

+就算是在学校见到面的, 一起出去时, 却没办法一起闹一起玩...

+这到底是为什么呢? 以前大家不都是在一起的吗?

+为什么, 如今, 却失去了过去所拥有的默契?

+在学校也没几句, 也许是我想太多了...

+可能大家都很忙吧, 各自有了自己的空间...

+我只知道, 我的电话, 现在对我来说没什么生命了...


+我也不介意, 因为更重要的是, 大家一起聚的时候, 还可以闹个不停...

+真希望, 中学的, 也可以这样...

"原来, 在一起时的默契, 胜过千言万语..."


+If flowers of different breeds look so beautiful together, humans ought to look even more amazing when their differences are combined...

[Photo by me, taken from b.y.'s house porch]