Live it Right

Life is about making Something out of Nothing at all. If you're able to do that, you're able to do Everything.

Painted Life

Life is like a flower, painted to perfection, yet at the end it wilts, fragile as it is, only the stem left unbroken.

Fallen Leaves

Like the autumn leaves, we fall at times, only to find ourselves blown away by the wind, and thus we reach yet another place.

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+Close Call...>.<

+I nearly crashed the kancil, not surprising at all izit?

+One second slower n I seriously will crash it, oh god...

+Anyone can help me wif my driving?

+Better still, anyone can giv me an auto kancil car 2 drive?

+Waliu eh, not to say my cousin ter'chuak', I nearly got a heart attack myself...

+Thk my dad will ask me 2 drive 2moro as well, wif him by my side that is...

+I dun thk the current way of my driving will allow me 2 drive alone, even for 1 km...zzz...

+Sux man, can I survive the ordeal?? Now I thk studying is better than driving, waliu...

+Stay at home study better, god save me...HELP!!

"Breathe & Believe, as long as I'm still breathing, I ought to believe..."



+I want ice-cream, I need ice-cream, I need to calm myself down...