I don't know if it's the first time I feel like this,
But I feel like shit right now,
Really really crap.
Pretty upset and frust at the same time,
I thought I could hold it in,
I thought I'll be alright,
But meletup jugak,
I can't constrain my feelings,
I'm still not good with that.
I get messed up with the littlest things.
I already start off with a really bad feeling in the wee hours of the morning,
5.30am and I'm awake, to add on a presentation that I so damn damn not satisfy with,
And to add on I got back my creative essay that I work so damn hard on,
Yet got such low marks that I just wanna knock myself against the wall,
I seem to always do things the wrong way,
That my efforts become nothing just like that.
Snap a finger and wahla, it all turns to dust.
I'm being extremely emo right now,
I have flames in my head,
While it's raining in my face.
I just don't want to do anything else for the moment.
Excuse me, I shall get back some slp.
5 years ago
take care.. =D