Live it Right

Life is about making Something out of Nothing at all. If you're able to do that, you're able to do Everything.

Painted Life

Life is like a flower, painted to perfection, yet at the end it wilts, fragile as it is, only the stem left unbroken.

Fallen Leaves

Like the autumn leaves, we fall at times, only to find ourselves blown away by the wind, and thus we reach yet another place.

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Crossing the List

It's been so long since I blogged,
I know I say this all the time.
Only two days and I think I did so many stuff than any other 2 weeks.

Crossing off my list one by one.
Now I have some other stuff to attend to.
Let's check the list.

1. Rehearsal for presentation
2. Live Presentation
3. Sign Language Test
4. Complete Thesis Chapter 1-3

1. Presentation
2. Prepare Thesis Presentation

1. Thesis Presentation

Next Week
1. Compile Portfolio
2. Gender Project
3. I.Style Final Project

Damn. I have so many stuff to work on. Crap

One Response so far.

  1. haha.. at least you written it in the planning process of what to do~